Professional Appointments
June 2023-present Marie Curie Fellow , Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, Université Paris-Saclay.
August 2022-present Research Scientist, Planetary Science Institute.
August 2020-September 2022 Postdoctoral Fellow, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech.
2020 Ph.D., Brown University, Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences.
​Spatial and temporal variations in the chemistry and mineralogy of mafic lacustrine systems on Earth and Mars. Advisor: Ralph Milliken.
2017 M.Sc., Brown University, Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences.
Spectroscopic analysis of iron cycling in a terrestrial ultramafic lake and its implications for martian sedimentary systems. Advisor: Ralph Milliken.
2013 B.A., Columbia University, Earth Science.
Extractable organic molecules are an effective thermometer of both naturally and artificially heated fault rocks. Advisors: Pratigya Polissar & Heather Savage.
Research Grants
2023-2026 Mars Data Analysis Program (MDAP), NASA ROSES. Co-I. “Analyses of sulfates in chaos regions on Mars.” ($540,000.)
2023-2025 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions research fellowship, European Commission (MSCA-EF). PI. “Spectral diversity within Ryugu.” (€210,000.)
2022-2026 Mars Science Laboratory Participating Scientist Program (MSL-PSP). PI. “Understanding Mg-sulfate distribution, hydration state, and crystallinity in Mt. Sharp.” ($300,000.)
2022 Spontaneous Research and Technology Development Program, Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Co-I. “Novel reaction design to test martian weathering.” ($40,000.)
2022 Data Science Working Group, Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Co-I. “Developing machine learning models to facilitate the untargeted identification and classification of organics in complex mixtures via tandem mass spectrometry.” ($50,000.)
2020-2022 Strategic Research and Technology Development Program, Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Science PI. “Experimental constraints on groundwater driven redox gradients on Mars.” ($300,000.)
Awards and Fellowships
•2022 Seal of Excellence, European Commission Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA-2021-PF).
•2020 Dissertation Fellowship, Brown University.
• 2015, 2017 NASA Group Achievement Award, MSL Science and Operations Team.
• 2015-2018 Presidential Fellowship for 3 years full support, Brown University Graduate School.
• 2013 Walter C. Pitman III Award for excellence in thesis research and presentation, Columbia University.
Mission Experience
MicrOmega Team, OSIRIS-REx. 2023-present
MicrOmega Team, Hayabusa2. 2023-present
Participating Scientist, Mars Science Laboratory. 2022-present.
Science Team Collaborator, Mars Science Laboratory. 2016-2022.
​Research Laboratory Technician, Gemological Institute of America, diamond color origin group. 2013-2015.
​Research Assistant, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. 2011-2013.​
Field Work and Short Courses
2021 Revolutionizing Access to the Martian Surface, Keck Institute for Space Studies, Caltech. (10 day short course, invited.)
2018 Agouron Institute Advanced Geobiology Field School, Caltech. Naukluft Mountains, Namibia, 12 days in the field.
2016 Field component of Sedimentary Cycle of Earth and Mars course, Brown University. Guadalupe Mountains, TX, 5 days in the field.
2013 Research sample collection. Punchbowl Fault, San Gabriel Mountains, CA, 3 days in the field.
2012 Geologic Mapping course, Columbia University. Catskill Mountains, NY, 12 days in the field.
2011 Research sample collection. Champlain Thrust Fault, Adirondack Mountains, VT, 2 days in the field.
2025 Co-Instructor, summer course (Wine and Climate Change), Rice University Global Paris Center, Paris, France. (Scheduled.)
2024 Lecturer, Planetary Surfaces Summer School, University of Glasgow.
2024 Co-Instructor, summer course (Wine and Climate Change), Rice University Global Paris Center, Paris, France.
2018 Instructor, summer course (Our Solar System Up Close), Brown University.
2018 Teaching Assistant, Planetary Geology (GEOL0810), Brown University.
2017 Teaching Assistant, summer course (Our Solar System Up Close), Brown University.
2024-2025 Undergraduate advisees hosted by Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale: Maëlys Boubet, Talia Druon.
2024 Tuteur, Stage de 3e (1 student, 1 week), Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale.
2024 Tuteur, Stage de 3e (1 student, 1 week), Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale.
2023 Tuteur, Stage de 3e (12 students, 1 day), Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale.
2021 Undergraduate advisees hosted by Caltech/JPL: Henry Manelski (now a PhD student at Purdue), Jordan Ando (now a PhD student at U. of Hawaii).
2016-2020 Undergraduate advisees hosted by Brown University: Ana Colon (now a PhD student at U. of Oregon), Christopher Yen (went on to earn a 2024 PhD from WashU), Sarah Martinez, Grant Rutherford (now a PhD student at MIT), Catherine Miranda.
2018 Leadership Alliance Program Mentor, Brown University’s Leadership Alliance Program. Led weekly meetings with interns focused on completing a NSF-GRFP-style research proposal, poster presentation, and oral presentation.
Recent Service and Outreach
2024 Panelist, NASA review panel.
2024 Session Chair, The 10th International Conference on Mars, “Carbonates and the Jezero Margin Unit.”
2024 Proposal reviewer, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
2023 Panelist, NASA review panel.
2023 Panelist, NASA review panel.
2023 Judge, Mission Design Challenge, Womanium Global Astrobiology Program.
2022 Session Convener, AbSciCon, “Diagenesis and Subsurface Habitable Environments.”
2021 Reviewer, Graduate Women In Science (GWIS) National Fellowship Program.
2020 Panelist, NASA review panel.
2019 Session Convener and Chair, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, “Evidence of water- rock interaction throughout the Solar System,” oral and poster session.
2019 Executive secretary, NASA review panel.
2019 Workshop leader, Girl Scout Senior Leadership Conference, Salve Regina University. "Craters, spacecraft, and the surfaces of our Solar System."
2018-present GeoW+ Co-Founder and Graduate Student Leader, Brown University. Intersectional mentoring and social group for the department's underrepresented race and gender undergraduates.